Friday, May 31, 2019

hit and run :: essays research papers

Its like Im dead. But Im not, I guess Im grievously dead to my surroundings or everyone is just trying to make me feel that way. I walk through the crowed halls at my school, no one turns a head, no one smiles, its like Im walking through a bunch of ghosts, or am I really the ghost? at that place are so many questions that I try to answer in the back of my head while Im taking these steps to family line room. Everyone usually feels sorry for the person who has no friends or is considered a freak. Not in my case, no one ever talks to me, so I neer talk to them. I am what you would consider a nobody, a freak, a loner. Yet really Im none of those, because no one even knows my name. People call it the New Year, a new year to change things you dont like about yourself. Yet its really hard for me to do that, because I dont even think I know myself. All I know is that I go to school move good grades, except in math, run cross country, go home, wash my hands, do my homework, and lay in bed, I never actually fall asleep. My parents regulate I have a problem, a mental one. I say its because Im related to them. Theyll never understand me, and Ill never understand them, thats just the way its going to be. They have to deal with it, even if they say they providet. JANUARY 2, 2007 Im hesitating. I cant feel a thing. I took something this morning. I cant tell a soul, even though there is no one to tell. I look down the hall to first period. Seems like theres three miles between me and the door, like Im running a race. tip I tell myself, just breath, stop thinking, just breath. Ive made it, to my destination, if you call it a destination in itself. The school day is such a blur to me, nothing merely interesting. Same thing everyday, no one speaks to me, no one looks at me, nothing. My eyes hurt Im sodding(a) too hard at something, or someone in that matter. The only good thing about being ignored is that you can do glut and people wont notice but if you were normal, people would notice in a minute.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Anthropomorphized Creativity :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers

Anthropomorphized Creativity It starts at 2 oclock in the morning, a blank sheet in front of your eyes and a blank brain behind. Whether for grades, for money, for for glory, for love, or for self respect, you put one across to put your thoughts down in a coherent form, but you cannot. You beg for the ability to shift let on of neutral and get writing, but it doesnt come. And like any human being since we started carving into bone and shaping clay, you start to put in your minds eye a face to what you are seeking. It has eyes, brows, a nose, and of course, a slight contemptuous smirk. That same tendency that has lead to the fashioning of idols now comes to you.The secret of creativeness, (Carl Jungs phrase) like the philosophers stone, is an abstraction that has tempted galore(postnominal) great minds into building theoretical structures that try to explain the creative process, and that fail to do so for a majority of creative artists. Jung calls it a transcendental worry wh ich the psychologist cannot answer but can only describe. In his essay The creative person Jung attempts to describe the creative process using the ideas and metaphors of his eponymous theories. These attempt to replace the artist, a living, breathing human being, with abstractions according to which the artist is an impersonal creative process. While I recently read through his essay The Artist, and through Nathaniel Hawthornes story The Artist of the Beautiful, what came to my mind were those writers whose own creative processes did not fit Hawthornes and Jungs notions. I can only chalk this up to my contrarian nature and to my choice of authors. Although more likely, it is because of my own idolatry.The author Harlan Ellison doesnt relish being asked about the secret of creativeness, at least so far as it pertains to himself. Questions about it prompt him to give a brief description of how he gets his ideas from a mail order business in Schenectady, New York. (They also cause h im to change colors all through the spectrum.) His glib reaction points to the difficulty of describing the creative process in a way that will carry from one artist over to many. The challenge is compounded by the prejudices we have about the human mind in general. Every idea about the human mind is an abstraction that cannot but repel as many good deal as it attracts.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Iliad of Homer Essay -- essays research papers

The Iliad is the quintessential epic. It is full with gods, goddesses, heroes, war, honor, glory, and the like. However, for just short while near the very culmination Homer avoids all of those epic qualities. The banquet scene in Book XXIV is the most touching, the most hu military man scene in the entire poesy . In the midst of the dreadful gulf of war and anger there occurs an intimate moment between two men who ironically have a great deal in common below the surface. Priam, old and fragile, makes his way to the camp of the enemys greatest warrior late at night. He bears what little treasures have not been exhausted by the ten-year conflict and plans to plead for the rightful return of his sons body. This is his final heroic endeavor. And perhaps, because he has just lost someone so dear to him, he is volitioning to take the risk despite his fear. What is interesting is that when he does arrive at the camp of Achilles, his fear suddenly subsides and the old man makes straigh t for the dwelling where Achilles beloved of Zeus was sitting. A decisive moment has arrived for both men. When Priam enters, Achilles knows that he must accept his own death with open arms while Priam is forced to sit at the knees of Achilles and kiss the transfer that have killed his beloved Hektor. Homer seems to stop the action for a moment to let us feel the intensity of this extraordinary encounter. Priam urges Achilles to think of his own father and then pity Priam in his outrageous position, a king "who must put my lips to the hands of the man who has killed my children." Achilles immediately accepts Priams appeal and the two weep for their sons, fathers, and friends. This sharing of common grief becomes a bridge back to kind sympathy. In an awe-inspiring speech Achilles soothes Priams sorrow by painting a picture of their common misfortune and the inevitable limits of mortality. He reminds Priam that there is not anything to be gained from grief for his son. You will never bring him back, he says, sooner you must go through yet another sorrow.Though Achilles has matured dramatically since the beginning of the Iliad the complexities of his character dont disappear instantly. Priam asks not to be seated so he can more quickly attend to the return of Hektor. Suddenly Achilles anger flashes out. Though his insight and human compassion have developed greatly he is still obstinate an... lot he portrays is grim, his actions show a human decency that somehow softens our sense of what it intend to be humanNOTE Observe how the plot structure of the Iliad completes itself. In the first book, a father (Chryses) comes to Agamemnon to plead for the return of his child but is refused. In the last book, a father (Priam) also pleads to Achilles for the return of a child this time pity is shown. Though this symmetry is surely there, Homer is an artist who permits complexities and contradictions. As you begin to sum up your feelings about the Iliad, test all the threads. The question is not simply is Achilles right or wrong, or are the Trojans or Argives the substantial heroes. Homer values both cultures. He sees meaning in the heroic code but he also sees its shortcomings. In that same way, he pictures the despicable sufferings of a world at war and yet shows us the human dignity that can shine through. In the beginning Apollo says that mortals maneuver through helping with "the heart of endurance." That is where the Iliad begins and ends. It is ironic that Achilles is young and strong and in his prime while Priam is way past his and yet Achilles is nearer to death.

Judaisms Modernization In America :: essays research papers

The Jewish way of life has been affected in a tremendous way by the people of the United States of America. By the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, there were only 2500 Jews in America. For forty years beginning in 1840, 250,000 Jews (primarily from Ger more, Hungary, and Bohemia) entered this country. Anti-Semitism and economic woes in Eastern Europe went from bad to worsened after the pogroms of 1881-1882. Almost three million Eastern European Jews left between 1881 and 1914, two million (85%) of which decided to come to America, where they thought "the streets were paved with gold." They were wrong. Because of this intercontinental migration, the socialcharacterization of Jews in America changed drastically. Beforethe move, the largest group in the early eighteenth century werethe Sephardic Jews. They lived in the coastal cities as merchants,artisans, and shippers. The Jews who predominately spoke Germancame to America over 100 years later, and qui ckly spread out overthe land. Starting as peddlers, they moved up to businesspositions in the south, midwest, and on the west coast. sunrise(prenominal) YorkCity had 85,000 Jews by 1880, most of which had German roots. Atthis time in American history, the government accepted many peoplefrom many different backgrounds to allow for a diverse populationthis act of opening our borders probably is the origin of thedescriptive phrase "the melting pot of the world."These German Jews apace assimilated themselves and their faith. Reform Judaism arrived here after the Civil War due to the advent of European Reform rabbis. Jewish seminaries, associations, and institutions, such as Cincinnatis Hebrew Union College, NewYorks Jewish Theological Seminary, the Union of American HebrewCongregations (UAHC), and the Central Conference of AmericanRabbis, were founded in the 1880s.America was experimenting with industry on a huge scurf at the time the Eastern European Jews that arrived. Their social history combined with the American Industrial Age produced an extremely diverse and distinct American Jewry by the end of theintercontinental migration, which coincided with the start of theGreat World War (World War I). Almost two out of every three newimmigrants called the big northeastern United States municipalities (such as theLower East Side of New York) their new home. They would take anyjob available to support the family, and they worked in manydifferent jobs which were as physically demanding as they werediverse. The garment district in New York today was made from themeticulousness, the sweat, and the determination of the Jews.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Oral Pathology :: essays research papers

4- Black Hairy Tongue -Characterized by the elongation and hyperkeratosis of the filiform papillae, resulting in this hairlike appearance. The elongated papillae ordinarily exhibit brown, yellow, or black pigmentation. near patients are asymptomatic, but occasionally patients complain of irritation, gagging, or an altered taste. Patients are usually heavy smokers with poor oral exam hygiene and some have vitamin deficiencies, GI problems, or radiation therapy. Cures range from just brushing the tongue to corticosteroid therapy.5- Cleft Palate -Congenital defect in which the lateral halves of the palate fail to fuse during embryonic development. It may be localized to the uvula, the soft and/or hard palate, or the brim. Combined cleft lip and palate is more common in males, whereas isolated cleft palate occurs more frequently in girls. Corrective surgery is usually successful if approached aft(prenominal) 18 months of age.6- Torus Mandibularis -Common pattern exostosis usually lo cated above the mylohyoid line adjacent to the bicuspids. Typically bilateral and consist of lamellar bone with an occasional overlay of cancellous bone. Some believe its hereditary with an increased prevalence in early adult males who possess increase masticatory stresses. Some tori have been known to resorb and remodel as stresses decrease with age. Treatment is not necessary unless it interferes with prosthetic appliances.7- Lymphoepithelial Cyst (I also see a lot of this out here) *two slides-Cyst that arises from epithelium entrapped within lymphoid tissue. It presents as a superficial submucosal mass that is yellow or whitish in coloration. The most frequent location is in the al-Qaida of the mouth followed by the posterior lateral border of the tongue, soft palate, tonsillar pillars, orophorynx, and the ventral tongue. The entrapped epithelium may have originated from salivary gland ducts or from the lining epithelium of surface invaginations plugged with desquamative kerat in. Surgical excision can be performed however, it is not necessary.10- Internal Resorption -The removal of tooth structure that involves the inner dentinal walls by cells originating from the dental pulp. Most instances occur during adulthood and have no sex predilection. Initiation is either idiopathic or associated with some form of trauma or dental decay. The walls of the communication channel are smooth and well defined. Root canal therapy may prove beneficial if the resorption area can be properly instrumented, otherwise, extraction is warranted. (First magazine I saw this was just last week)11- Talon Cusp Its an accessory cusp usually located on the lingual surface of permanent or deciduous incisors.

Oral Pathology :: essays research papers

4- Black Hairy Tongue -Characterized by the elongation and hyperkeratosis of the filiform papillae, resulting in this hairlike appearance. The elongated papillae unremarkably exhibit brown, yellow, or black pigmentation. Most patients are asymptomatic, but occasionally patients complain of irritation, gagging, or an altered taste. Patients are usually heavy smokers with poor oral hygiene and some have vitamin deficiencies, GI problems, or radiation therapy. Cures range from just brushing the tongue to corticosteroid therapy.5- sally Palate -Congenital defect in which the lateral halves of the palate fail to fuse during embryonic development. It may be localized to the uvula, the soft and/or hard palate, or the lip. Combined cleft lip and palate is more common in males, whereas isolated cleft palate occurs more everydayly in girls. Corrective military operation is usually successful if approached after 18 months of age.6- Torus Mandibularis -Common pattern exostosis usually locat ed above the mylohyoid line adjacent to the bicuspids. Typically bilateral and consist of lamellar organize with an occasional overlay of cancellous bone. both(prenominal) believe its hereditary with an increased prevalence in early adult males who possess increase masticatory stresses. Some tori have been known to resorb and remodel as stresses decrease with age. Treatment is not necessary unless it interferes with prosthetic appliances.7- Lymphoepithelial Cyst (I also see a big money of this out here) *two slides-Cyst that arises from epithelium entrapped within lymphoid tissue. It presents as a superficial submucosal mass that is yellow or whitish in coloration. The most frequent location is in the floor of the mouth followed by the posterior lateral border of the tongue, soft palate, tonsillar pillars, orophorynx, and the ventral tongue. The entrapped epithelium may have originated from salivary secretor ducts or from the lining epithelium of surface invaginations plugged wi th desquamative keratin. Surgical excision can be performed however, it is not necessary.10- Internal Resorption -The removal of tooth structure that involves the informal dentinal walls by cells originating from the dental pulp. Most instances occur during adulthood and have no sex predilection. Initiation is either idiopathic or associated with some form of accidental injury or dental decay. The walls of the canal are smooth and well defined. Root canal therapy may prove beneficial if the resorption area can be properly instrumented, otherwise, extraction is warranted. (First time I saw this was just last week)11- Talon Cusp Its an accessory cusp usually located on the lingual surface of permanent or deciduous incisors.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Toyota’s marketing strategy & practice

The total market capitalization is $507B. In terms of price performance, TATA Inc has shown the to the highest degree impressive percentage change. They recorded a 2.2% increase while Daimterchryster showed a 0.25% increase. Honda co lagged behind the list of top performers with 0.13%. The lowest performers were Ford Co, Chicago, Toyota and Gen Motors with performance changes of 2.3%, 0.9%, 0.13% and 0.12% respectively. on that point has been a decline in the industrial gearing levels. This is because the firms are using less of debt than equity itself to finance its operations. However there is an improvement in the industrial Net Profit Margin Ratio. This can be attributed to favourable fiscal legislations, sound production and marketing strategies and technological advancement that has led to low manufacturing and change represents.There has been a tremendous harvest-feast in market capitalization. Assuming that the market price per share was at a constant level, such growth w ould be attributed by a positive investor reaction/ confidence in the sector.KEY COMPETITORSHonda aims Tata motor company Ford motor company Daimlerchrysler Inc The automobile motor industry has been experiencing a fast growth. The decline in the average industrial gearing ratio sends positive signals to potential investors since it suggests low financial risk. The firms would also be able to borrow more from external sources without adversely affecting their liquidity.Tremendous improvements on profit may however attract new entrants into the industry indeed diluting the market powers/ shares of the incumbents.MARKETING MIXPRODUCT MIXToyota plc pay offs a wide range of vehicle brands. These include Hilux, Prius, RAV 4, Avents, Amazon among early(a)s. The company also specializes in the manufacture and sale of robots and heavy self propelling machines like tractors. They also offer consultation services on motor manufacture and design. Toyota sells its products to the US, Europe and Africa.PROMOTIONToyota uses a broad range of marketing strategies to market its fleet of products. These include the internet (website), radio and television. Others include magazines, billboards and also through trade exhibitions usually held at its points of sale. Public relations is also adopted by the company for instance through press releases and conferences. It also accomplishes this by sponsoring of clubs and other associations who use the companys logo in their sportswears.The company also indulges in sales promotions where vehicles are freely offered with a view to attract more customers in the wide- term.PRICEIn order to suffer at the price at which to offer for sale for its products, Toyota considers quite a number of significant factors. These are-The cost and availability of materials needed in the manufacturing process. promote costs for all the staff i.e. production, assembly, marketing and top directors. Distribution costs i.e. costs associated with the fina l delivery of goods/ products to their customers. To avoid understanding their manufacturing costs, overheads are absorbed and allocated into the cost units. And using a given mark-up normally determined by the management, the price is determined.The company also does price discrimination as a marketing strategy. charges exchange depending on the financial capability of the respective customers. Price also varies with seasons with high prices being charged during the boom period and low prices during the recessionary economic conditions. Price also varies depending on the mode of payment whether cash or hire purchase.PLACEMENT/ DISTRIBUTIONThe companys headquarters are based in the UK. It has many distribution centers worldwide. This is important for Toyota as it enables their products closer to the customers. The Companys employee workforce approximates 3700.The team comprises of highly competent staff who are both motivated and committed to the achievement of the overall object ives of the firm. The firm has a sufficient mechanism of processing customers orders as and when required, at times online. Inventory is powerful managed by keeping optimum inventory levels. This maintains both the ordering and holding costs at a minimum.INTERNAL MARKET STRATEGYThe host demesne for the firm to enter shall be France. France is well known for the manufacture and sale of highly merchandised Peugeot cars through PSA Peugeot inc.It is rich in technology and becoming a partner with a company from such a state would give Toyota economies of scale advantages. The country enjoys a central location and would serve as the or so appropriate distribution center.MODE OF ENTRYToyota shall liase with PSA Peugeot through strategic partnership. This would be the most ideal because profits and losses would be shared at an agreed proportion between the two partner companies. Partnership also gives the company(s) taxation advantages since dividends would not be subjected to taxation. Partnerships are also easy to initiate compared to other modes that are characterized by complicated legal procedures and conformation with International Financial Reporting Standards.With partnership, it is easy to incorporate as many new entrants in the long run so long as they are limited to 20.REFERENCEhttp// also Reed Supermarkets a New Wave of Competitors

Sunday, May 26, 2019

This Boy’s Life by Tobias Wolff Essay

ii. This Boys Life is not only approximately hardship it is also about determination and resourcefulness. Discuss.Wolffs memoir This Boys Life positions its re fruit drinkrs to question the ability of Tobias and his mother to change their luck. In the midst of the post-war conservative backlash the pair are caged by societal norms that prevent them from acheiving their dreams of transformation. Furthermore, Tobias impracticality and sense of entitlement lead him to reject opportunities. Despite this, the memoir ends on an starry-eyed note. The reader closes the novel with the belief that the lessons the pair have learned throughout their journey may offer them a go on to emend their lives. The societal norms and expectations of the 1950s post-war America inhibit Tobias and his mothers ability to transform their lives. Tobys sense of self worth is completely broken by his softness to meet the eras stereotypes of masculinity.The notion that he could not break down his sense of bei ng at fault to its components who he is reveals his inability to give up his identity with social expectations. Wolff juxtaposes Tobys natural confide to seek status with his complete and total discomfort with this own self. The contrast between the peaceable and loving young boy who cries at a squirrels funeral and the gun-toting, rebellious teenager is a stark one. It reveals the overpowering need that Toby feels to conform. The memoir reveals that bureau in which Tobias need to fit in prevents him from pursuing success. Rather than change his luck, as he initially intended, Tobias camouflages himself in the safety of social norms and joins the army. His choice to homecoming to the clear life of uniforms, ranks and weapons cements his future. He decides to commit to leading an average life through conformity rather than stay true to his identity and pursue hisdreams of status and wealth.rosemary is similarly trapped by societal customs. Post-war America designates her one po sition in life the role of a housewife and mother. This convention cages her, disrespect her attempts to escape it. The memoir emphasises the perpetual cycle of abuse that Rosemary and her son are subjected to. The opening line of the text, Our car boiled over again., demonstrates the repetitive and fruitless nature of Rosemarys attempts to transform her life. The inability of the 1950s women to escape from abuse is a prevalent element of the text. It reveals the way in which such situations were handle as normal and largely tailord. The strangeness of the cycle of abuse and oppression over the years became normal to both Tobias and his mother. Eventually, despite her efforts to run from men she was afraid of, Rosemary is unable to escape the pervasive violence in her life. Both she and Tobias adopt the same view of the abuse as the rest of the society does. They opt to ignore it and turn a blind eye languidly convincing themselves that the strange noises came from cats.Thus, so cietal expectations prevent Rosemary and Tobias from acheiving their dreams of transformation. It is not social norms alone that hinder the pairs progress in society. Tobys impractical and idealistic nature also damage his chances of success. He feels a sense of entitlement that prevents him from working hard to improve his circumstances. Toby manages to lie and manipulate his way into a good school, Hill, but does not put any effort to secure his future there. Instead, he considers it his desire and his right to be a part of this great world. Even the prospect of being expelled due to failing classes does not spur him into action. He simply prays equal a moslem that he will be allowed to stay. In a similar manner, he also wastes opportunities to escape granted by Mr Bolger who offers him a recourse from Dwights abusive household. He is welcomed by the family, yet he does nothing to repay their kindness.The troubles he causes them though his actions are forgivable, but his price a nd inability to recede responsibility for his own wrongdoings destroy his chances of remaining in his adoptive home. Tobias refuses to apologise for siphoning fuel out of the neighbours trucks. This brings shame on him and incites resentment from the Bolgers who have offered him a chance to change his future. Rather than take responsibility for his actions he leaves a dummy in his place to look sorrybut heis nowhere in the neighbourhood. This facade of regret ultimately prevents him from finding a new home. Wolffs memoir, however, closes on an optimistic note.Toby is once again on the road, posed for flight, and jaunt toward a brighter future. The passage is reminiscent of the opening of the text. The difference, however, is that this time Tobias is equipped with the resilience, resourcefulness and determination that he has gained from his troubled childhood. The final lines of the memoir are full of wish as Tobias shouts hymns at the top of his lungs and drives along the road to an uncertain but optimistic future.This causes the reader to question whether his dreams of transformation have truly been saved, or whether Toby is simply filled with the same naivety that he possessed at the beginning of the memoir. The pervasive idea of transformation and changing luck in Wolffs This Boys Life are hindered by multiple obstacles. Social norms and Tobys personal attributes prevent the pair from transforming their lives in the memoir. The reader is leftover with an overwhelming sense of optimism, however though which Tobias Wolff suggests that these dreams may eventually be realised.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Indian Tobacco Company

ITC is i of Indias foremost private sector companies with a market capitalization of nearly US $ 18 billion and a turnover of over US $ 5. 1 Billion. ITC is rated among the Worlds Best Big Companies, Asias Fab 50 and the Worlds Most respectable Companies by Forbes magazine, among Indias Most Respected Companies by BusinessWorld and among Indias Most Valuable Companies by Business Today. ITC ranks among Indias 10 Most Valuable ( confederation) Brands, in a study conducted by Brand Finance and published by the Economic Times.ITC as well ranks among Asias 50 best performing companies compiled by Business Week. ITC has a diversified presence in Cigarettes, Hotels, Paperboards Specialty Papers, Packaging, Agri-Business, Packaged Foods Confectionery, Information Technology, Branded Apparel, Personal Care, Stationery, Safety Matches and other FMCG products. While ITC is an outstanding market leader in its traditional businesses of Cigarettes, Hotels, Paperboards, Packaging and Agri-E xports, it is chop-chop gaining market share even in its nascent businesses of Packaged Foods Confectionery, Branded Apparel, Personal Care and Stationery.As one of Indias most valuable and respected corporations, ITC is widely comprehend to be dedicatedly nation-oriented. Chairman Y C Deveshwar calls this source of inspiration a commitment beyond the market. In his own words ITC believes that its aspiration to draw enduring value for the nation provides the motive force to sustain growing shareholder value. ITC practices this philosophy by not only driving each of its businesses towards worldwide competitiveness but by also consciously contributing to enhancing the competitiveness of the larger value chain of which it is a part. ITCs diversified status originates from its corporate scheme aimed at creating multiple drivers of growth anchored on its time-tested core competencies unmatched distribution reach, superior brand-building capabilities, effective supply chain manageme nt and acknowledged good skills in hoteliering. Over time, the strategic forays into new businesses are expected to garner a significant share of these emerging high-growth markets in India ITCs Agri-Business is one of Indias largest exporters of agricultural products.ITC is one of the countrys biggest foreign exchange earners (US $ 3. 2 billion in the last decade). The Companys e-Choupal initiative is enabling Indian agriculture significantly enhance its competitiveness by empowering Indian farmers through the power of the Internet. This transformational strategy, which has already become the subject matter of a case study at Harvard Business School, is expected to progressively create for ITC a huge rural distribution infrastructure, significantly enhancing the Companys marketing reach.ITCs wholly owned Information Technology subsidiary, ITC Infotech India Limited, is aggressively pursuing emerging opportunities in providing end-to-end IT solutions, including e-enabled service an d business process outsourcing. ITCs production facilities and hotels have won numerous national and international awards for quality, productivity, safety and environment management systems. ITC was the first company in India to voluntarily seek a corporate governance rating.ITC employs over 24,000 people at more than 60 locations across India. The Company continuously endeavors to enhance its wealth generating capabilities in a globalising environment to consistently reward more than 3,77,000 shareholders, fulfill the aspirations of its stakeholders and meet societal expectations. This over-arching vision of the company is expressively captured in its corporate positioning recital Enduring Value. For the nation. For the Shareholder. pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic Competitors ITC competitors are primarily in the Tobacco industry. ITC also competes in the A pparel, Office, School, & Art Supplies, and Crop Production sectors. ITC competitive landscape includes Hindustan Unilever Reliance Industries Tata Group ITC Company DescriptionITC walks with the other giants of the Indian business world Tata and Reliance. Primarily, the company makes cigarettes and tobacco, as well as papers and packaging. It also runs hotels, manages lines of branded apparel and prepackaged food, and exports agricultural commodities (including rice, wheat, and lentils). ITC is Indias second-largest exporter of agri-products. The groups study brands include India Kings, Insignia, Navy Cut, Scissors, and Gold Flake (cigarettes) Wills Sport and John Players (clothing) turnoutchens of India and Aashirvaad (prepackaged food) and Expressions (greeting cards). It is also parent to one of Indias leading technology companies, ITC InfoTech.ITC pays constant attention to its employees by government agency of minimum wage raising programs, and providing healthcare thro ugh the application of preventive measures, periodical examinations for various diseases, and the necessary treatment at all times. It also provides a distinguished health insurance program for the employees and their families, which covers many diseases that arent covered by other programs. It offers healthy daily meals for the employees, along with comfortable and safe transportation center from and to the company. In this decade, the company launched a series of educational programs for its employees children with both public schools and universities education. The company took on the responsibility of paying all the expenses needed in as part of a motivational educational support policy for distinguished students pic pic Sunfeast In 2003, ITC forayed into the Biscuits market with the Sunfeast range of Glucose, Marie and Cream Biscuits. Sunfeasts brand essence, Spread the smiling connotes happiness, contentment, satisfaction and pleasure. The mascot Sunny reinforces the emo tional aspects of the brand. Sunfeast immediately established itself as a provider of innovative and distinctive products Sunfeast Marie was launched in an innovative orange flavour and the Sunfeast aspiration Cream range includes new flavours as well as flavour enhancers. The Sunfeast Dream Cream range is currently available in 8 variants.The Company has also introduced Sunfeast Dark Fantasy, a dark chocolate and vanilla rake offering for the premium segment in select markets. Riding on the success of its sign offerings, ITC also entered the milk biscuit category with Sunfeast Milky Magic biscuits in the general milk and milk cream categories. Apart from milk which helps mental growth, these biscuits also contain the finest quality wheat aiding physical growth. Both cream and milk biscuits have received enthusiastic response from consumers. In the last few eld the Sunfeast biscuits portfolio has been enhanced to include salted crackers and cookys. The Sunfeast Snacky salted c rackers are available in 2 unique variants viz. Chilli Flakes and Classic Salted. Sunfeasts cookie offering, Sunfeast Special biscuits are also available in select markets.The Sunfeast Special range currently includes cookies in three variants Butter, Cashew and crunchy Coconut, as well as cream biscuits in devil variants Choco and Orange. The recently launched Sunfeast Golden Bakery offers the freshly baked taste of cookies in 3 variants Choco-nut, Butter-nut and Butter scotch. The brand has also launched Sunfeast Nice, a delicate and delightful offering of crispy, sugar sprinkled biscuits. The Sunfeast product portfolio has been further expanded to include healthy snacking options as well. Sunfeast Pasta Treat, a whole wheat based endorsement pasta was introduced as a healthy snacking option for children. After the tremendous success of the 4 initial flavours the instant Pasta range has been extended with two new exciting flavours Pizza and Chicken. The pasta segment was f urther expanded with the launch of Sunfeast Benne Vita in 4 innovative variants. This range has been enhanced recently with the launch of Sunfeast Benne Vita Flax Seed biscuits that reflect the brand essence of Benne Vita, which in Italian stands for Good Life. The flax seed content in these protein and mineral enriched biscuits is a rich vegetarian source of Omega III acids.With continued focus on health and nutrition, Sunfeast extended the biscuits portfolio to the nutritional segment with the launch Sunfeast Sachins Fit Kit a range of healthy products co-created with Sachin Tendulkar. It is for the first time in India that an icon of the stature of Sachin Tendulkar has been actively involved in the product development process as co-creator of the Sunfeast Sachins Fit Kit range. It is the shared vision of Sunfeast as well as Sachin Tendulkar that products under the Sachins Fit Kit range will enable create Champions of tomorrow. The launch range comprises two offerings Sunfeast S achins Vitamin and Protein enriched biscuits and Sunfeast Sachins Multigrain biscuits.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Human Euthanasia: Yes or No? Essay

Have you ever motiveed to end it completely? Many people who take chronic illnesses, such as cancer, would rather die than turn tail one more day of suffering. They want to die by assisted suicide, or euthanasia. Euthanasia should not be legal for umteen reasons. There have been drastic advances in medicine. Also, the decision do process can easily be compromised. There is major risk of abuse. Furthermore in that location are many religious issues. Lastly, if done incorrectly, euthanasia can fail, causing the person to suffer more.For example, drastic improvements have been made in the medicinal field. Doctors now have the causality to save more lives than ever. Using new musics, they can reduce the suffering of, or even cure a chronically ill benignant cosmos (Andre, Velasquez). Why should a person end his or her life if they can be cured of their disease? People who can be treated with medication should not be given the means to end their lives early.Hematologists and o ncologists are exposed to terminally ill unhurrieds daily. A 1994 survey of physicians in Washington showed that these doctors opposed euthanasia most strongly. Psychiatrists were also surveyed. They had much less contact with the terminally ill, yet they strongly supported euthanasia (Boyko). This shows that those who are around these ill patients daily do not think euthanasia is a practical practice.Next, the decision making process can easily be compromised. If a patient is terminally ill, there is no way to know if they are thinking as they would if they were not sick. The patient may not know the exact situation he or she is in. The patient needs to be capable of understanding the decision and its implications. The presence of depression is relevant if it is distorting rational decision making (Blank, Bonnickson 192). Also, a doctor could be pushing a patient to a choice, simply because the doctor no chronic wants to care for that person. There are many variables for a person to consider, so legalizing euthanasia could cause many issues.Furthermore, there is major risk of abuse. If euthanasia is legalized, people would be able to abuse it easily. Vulnerable patients could feel obligation to evaluate it euthanasia in order to reduce the burden on their families and caretakers (Battin, Lipman 29). The abuse is not necessarily done by the patients. Families could easily pressure a person into choosing to be euthanized. Not wanting to cause more issues, the patient could simply agree to the decision others seem to have made (Andre, Velasquez). People who do not want to be responsible for someone else are likely to try and force that person into ending the responsibility. The decision to be euthanized needs to be 100% the patients idea, and there is no way to prove that would be the case.Additionally, there are many religious issues associated with euthanasia. Arguments to prohibit assisted suicide on the evidence that only God gives life, so only God can take it away are equally relevant to euthanasia (Tittle). The Roman Catholic church service believes that any form of suicide implies that the person is in charge of their body, when God is supposed to be (Declaration of Euthanasia).Article Five of the Fifth Commandment states Suicide contradicts the internal inclination of the human being to preserve and perpetuate his life. It is gravely contrary to the just love of self. It likewise offends love of the neighbor because it unjustly breaks the ties of solidarity with family, nation, and other human societies to which we continue to have obligations. Suicide is contrary to love for the living God. Christianity is just one of the many religions that opposes suicide, assisted or unassisted.Finally, if done incorrectly, euthanasia can be ineffective, causing a patient more suffering. If someone is injected with too little morphine, the most popular form of euthanasia, major brain damage can descend (Battin). If this were to happen, the families of these patients, not to mention the patients themselves, would have to endure more suffering than they had to before the attempted euthanasia. If euthanasia were legalized the nonstarter rate would cause unnecessary pain for all people involved.As for other methods of assisted suicide, such as a doctor prescribing medications with high dosages of depressants, the patient is not monitored throughout the process. This means there is no guarantee the patient will be successful. If a patient decides that after he or she has already started the euthanasia process he no longer wants to die, major side effects would occur, such as brain damage, and even forms of cancer in some situations (Battin, Lipman). There is no way to assure failure will not happen.In conclusion, euthanasia should not be legalized for many reasons. There have been drastic advances in medicine, allowing doctors to cure those with chronic illnesses. Also, the decision making process of a patient facing euthanasia can be easily compromised. Additionally, there is major risk of abuse by families. There are many religious issues, too. Lastly, if done wrong, euthanasia can be ineffective, causing serious harm. Euthanasia in human beings should not be legalized.Works Cited1.Andre, Clare and Manuel Velasquez, support Suicide A Right or Wrong? Santa Clara University, 2010. Web. Dec. 7, 2012 2.Battin, Margaret P., Arthur G. Lipman, Drug Use in Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. London, New York, Pharmaceutical Products Press, 1996. Web. 3.Blank, Robert H., Bonnickson, Andrea L., Medicine Unbound The human race Body and the Limits of Medical Intervention. n.p, n.d. Web. 4.Boyko, Edward J., Attitudes Toward Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Among Physicians in Washing State. New England Journal of Medicine, July 14, 1994. Web. Dec. 6, 2012 5.Declaration on Euthanasia. May 5, 1980. New Advent Church.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Wolfgang Keller at Konigsbrau

Individual Case Analysis Assignment II Wolfgang Keller at Konigsbrau-TAK MGT 400- Monday 6-845 Chelsea Glovis a. What is your assessment of Brodskys performance? Please be specific. In my opinion, I believe that Brodsky is one of those individuals who is so intelligent his personality and social interactions suffer. Keller and Brodsky fork up very different approaches to problems, in addition to being different nationalities, this creates many of the problems that they face.Keller looks at problems and goes above and beyond to try and solve them, whereas Brodsky attacks problems with the textbook methodology (analytical) that is not al styluss the ruff approach, and isnt sure how to do anything else. For instance, half of their distributers were not attending the annual distributers tackleing. Brodsky was already gone for the weekend and unreachable at home. Keller and his ply spent the majority of their weekend personally inviting the distributors, jumping through hoops to ensu re they felt appreciated by meeting them at airports or railway line stations.After all of their hard imprint, the attendance was more than doubled, which was critical for the businesses success. Lastly, Brodsky was dealing with a distributor who he had written off as bad debt of 87,000 euro. Keller was encouraging him to meet with the customer and demand the money. Brodsky resisted at graduation, then finally called the customer and concluded that nothing could be done. Meanwhile Keller as wellk matters into his have hands and drove to meet with the distributor in person and was able to get a check for the whole amount.It seems to me that Brodsky is making the least effort in regards to personal relations, while at the analogous time thoroughly completing the t needs he was assigned for sales and marketing purposes. Brodsky is failing to see the larger picture and taking into consideration how relationships directly fall upon business cohesiveness. I count that he may find o neself threatened by Keller seeing his recent success and smells that since he is older he knows what is best for the company, although that is all the way not the case. Seeing that Brodsky is so analytical by nature, it tryd reasoning behind the way he looked at the tasks at hand.I pretend that Brodsky could have do a untold(prenominal) greater effort in resolving problems with distributors/customers, implementing his sales plan, developing a decent relationship with others, and acting as a bus not just an employee. It is crucial for employees below managers to feel comfortable demonstrateing their thoughts and ideas, not sc bed and nervous. Brodsky does the least amount of work that meets minimum expectations on most areas of work and tasks that are assigned to him. For example, there was a very serious distributors lawsuit filed by one of the firms largest distributors that Brodsky was in charge of handling.In dealing with this issue, Brodsky send a sales representative to work out the problem. Only after the sales representative failed did Brodsky annoy an effort to personally contact the distributor. Following their discussion, Brodsky ascertain that the distributors position was unchangeable. Keller knew this would be a huge deficit to the company if they lost this customer and arranged to have a seat next to them on the compressed to work things out. After the plane ride the distributor agreed to drop the suit completely, if Brodsky had made more of an effort initially he could have been much more successful.While he does come up with new innovative methods for increasing sales and completing very thorough analysis, he doesnt work inwardly a realistic deadline. It is imperative to the success of the company to work in a timely manner so that sales can have a quick turnaround and begin to grow. Managers should be motivating to their employees to work hard and do their best, whereas Brodsky hardly communicates with his subordinates and cowork ers thus diminishing any chance whatsoever for good, working relationships to be formed.In order to grow as an individual Brodsky needs to routine this constructive criticism and feedback to heart instead of arguing each critique, making excuses and blaming others. b. How efficacious has Keller been as a coach to Brodsky? Why? Could you have done better? Why and How? I feel the Keller has done almost everything he can think of to try and alleviate the current situation with Brodsky. I think that the two men have such differing approaches in solving problems a look at of latent hostility is created in the office as well as one on one.The majority of the time, Keller takes problems into his own hands and tries to solve them, I would like to have seen him ask Brodsky to go above and beyond. Such as, arranging seats next to a distributor to discuss the lawsuit, personally invite distributors to the convention, and make a home bawl out to demand payment from a client. While Keller did allow Brodsky to make an effort, I feel that he could have been more successful if he leaved Brodsky with ideas to solve these problems. Because Brodsky is so analytical, it is hard for him to think outside of the box.He is so used to strictly going by the rules and regulations he thinks once he has done those methods there is nothing else he can do. Keller needs to take into consideration Brodskys personality, problem solving skills, and relationships with others and in the end he will realize why Brodsky is the way he is. He continues to feel like he is never good enough because of the constant negative feedback that he is obtainn. In my opinion critical feedback should be plump for with the same amount of positive feedback as to ensure employees dont feel inadequate and not valued.In some aspects, Keller and Brodsky share similar personality traits. It is a challenge for both of them to see others perspectives and personalities differences. They are both problem solvers ho wever attack their problems differently. In my opinion Keller has done all he can think of to help motivate Brodsky and for that I think he has been mostly effective. On the other hand, I wish he would examine their differences and realize why Brodsky does things the way he does. I wouldnt necessarily say that I could do a better job I would just approach the situation much differently.I have a way of providing critical feedback intermixed with positive feedback, as well as a course of action to fix the problem all in the same sentence. On top of the feedback, I would alike include peer feedback as well as voice the concerns that other employees have expressed. I feel it is necessary to break down the feedback and explain why it is important and beneficial to fix these problems and how it will affect the business as a whole. I feel that this would be beneficial to Brodsky so he can take these specific steps to get better and learn from his shortcomings.Also, I would be more appre ciation of the way Brodsky operates as a whole and determine the best way to help him start to think outside the box to solve problems. I would also provide definite deadlines for tasks that he is assigned to in order to avoid missing deadlines, taking too long, and falling even more behind. I would give him words of advice and encouragement to make him feel appreciated and determined. Instead of immediately taking matters into my own hands as Keller did, I would allow Brodsky the opportunity to use my methods of completing tasks that were tough situations (i. . telling him to make a house call to discuss getting a payment check from a soon to be bankrupt company). Lastly, I would outline specific goals to accomplish for the next few months or until the next review to motivate him, as well as discuss company procedures that must be followed. These procedures would include mannerisms at work (open communication, proper etiquette, a minimum number of social outings that must be attend ed, etc. ) With clearly established rules, goals and courses of action, there is shortsighted room for him to argue his side. c.What are the underlying causes of Brodskys performance problems? What actions should Keller take upon returning to Kiev? Be specific. The majority of Brodskys performance problems have to do with two different personalities, traits, management styles, ethnicity, and outlook. Keller is a very hands-on, action- orient guy who takes matters into his own hands when they are not completed just as he would have done it. Although he is very personable and loves to share a lot of his personal life with co-workers he has a nasty time putting himself in others shoes.Brodsky on the other hand is a very analytical introvert who completes tasks by the tried and true textbook approaches. He has a hard time thinking outside of the box when it comes to personal interactions and relating with others, in addition he doesnt like to spend a lot of time bonding with co-worker s and keeps the vast majority of his personal life to himself. These two completely different, night and day personalities are bound to clash and create bumps in the road that cause discrepancies.On top of all of that, I think that Keller is so concerned with making sure Brodsky understands where he needs improvement that he forgets to provide positive feedback with a plan of action that Brodsky can follow. In addition, their differences in age and methods to solving problems are completely contradicting as well, especially when Brodsky has shared little information about the way he operates. Brodsky has a hard time taking Kellers feedback because he doesnt understand what he did wrong and what he was supposed to do instead.Brodsky is very thorough and will take his time to ensure a task is completed to the best of his ability, while Keller is action oriented and wants to see fast results. Brodsky addresses co-workers in a formal demeanor with a distant management style and minimal personal life sharing, which damaged his overall management style. All in all, their overall management styles were to blame for clashing so drastically. I believe if Keller and Brodsky shared the same viewpoints on management styles and approach tasks Brodskys performance report would have very high reviews.Keller should have clearly established due dates for tasks so as to avoid problems with Brodsky taking too long to complete them, explain what business etiquette the company promotes, provide well-defined expectations, goals, and methods to accomplish, and try to see the world from a different light. He must understand that not every individual functions on the same level, manages and accomplishes tasks in the same manner, and remember how different each person is in this world.Developing a friendlier relationship with Brodsky would make it easier for Keller to share how he feels and hopefully he will be able to provide feedback more than just during a performance review. d. Wh at are the implications for Kellers own development as a leader? Although Keller has had great success at such a young age thus far in his life, he still has a lot of room to grow as a leader. A great leader needs to be sympathetic with their employees and co-workers and do whatever they can to help them grow as individuals and flourish in the world of business.He must remember that each individual is different and not everyone manages with the same style. These differences are what creates diversity in teams and allows for innovative ideas and thorough discussions. Having faith in your employees is a huge part in being a successful manager. When at first they dont succeed, provide insight, thoughts, ideas, solutions, etc. to continue to show them how to think outside the box. Keller is so concerned with fast results and finishing tasks on his own that he doesnt give his employees the chance to learn from his methods.In his mind he is being the best leader he can be, meanwhile Brod sky is under the impression that he is being the best employee he can be. Both of them need to reevaluate their situations and how to work more cohesively together with such differing styles and traits. It is imperative that Keller works on self-aggrandizing positive as well as critical feedback, a defined set of goals and deadlines, an action plan to fix areas where his subordinates arent performing up to par, and provide constant feedback so his employees dont go sixth months thinking they are doing an incredible job when in reality he thinks they are slacking.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Stylistic Analysis of Zombieland

Zombieland is a fill where a lot of stylistic choices were made. especially the opening scene says a lot about the shoot and the characters. Mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing and sound shape the characterizations effect on the viewer. The film begins in the middle of a robot apocalypse. The first virgule is unbalanced to prime our expectation that something will change coiffe. The shot is of the the Statesn masthead, which is focuse while the solid ground is unfocused which means it indicates that the flag is of importance.From the close-up of the American flag we get a handheld panning shot of a car crash, this shows us a deeper meaning America has fallen. While the actor stands up with his body-mounted camera it creates an illusion of a point of view shot, tracking what the eyes see. This illusion is emphasized after a zombie is attacking the character. The point of view shot transitions into a close up of the zombie breaking the fourth wall by looking right into the c amera. The holy opening scene has titles in them that change every few seconds as the previous actor has destroys them.The filmmakers used bold red font for the titles. Red is used because it symbolizes blood and death, which represents the gore within the film. The titles ar the actors/actress, production and filmmakers names. another(prenominal) artistic choice is the use of ramping the entire sequence is ho-humed down to slow motion. This gives the sequence a dramatic effect and it increases the intensity of the moment created subsequently the picture fade away. When it fades back the first scene of the movie is shown. The exposure during the strong movie is half a stop darker than a usual exposure.The color of the film is natural, which gives the movie a more(prenominal) realistic tone. It shows the human as it is. What similarly becomes visible in this film is the unrestricted narration. Meaning that we are only confined to what the character sees and since it takes plac e in the time of a zombie apocalypse, it gives the boloney a realistic feel, this because we function unrestricted too. We only see something when we are directly looking or sensing it. For instance Columbus we see the land mainly through his eyes. Columbus narrates the entire story. Herewith we built up a relationship with this film character.We feel sympathy for him. Big motifs in the film are his rules of survival and a parallelism where Columbus is talking about the death (of a zombie) of the week with Tallahassee. Columbus mentions these things quite a few generation in the film. Sound is also a big part of the film. There is a non-diegetic soundtrack used throughout the title sequence, which is rock music and when the American flag appears, the music changes to the American anthem, which is slightly lower pitched and distorted. This adds to the whole imagery of the film. Then you also have Columbuss observations and comments that run throughout the film as well.Director and editor also used diegetic sound, which is mainly used for the growling of the zombies when they are attacking people. The sound of the zombies growling is low pitched and the amplitude of the vibrations is loud. Another big part of the film is mise-en-scene. For instance the setting throughout the film the filmmakers made use of a lot of local areas like on attitude settings. Zombieland was filmed in Atlanta, GA so they used a lot of practical locations like the grocery store and the amusement park in which a big fight between the living and the undead played out.The settings the director and producer have chosen are not typical for a horror film since theyre well lit daily life locations. The brightness level is mainly high key, which emphasizes the use of the setting since this kind of lighting gives an upbeat mood to the scene. The establishing shot of the post-apocalyptic world is mainly lit low-key to show how annihilated the world is. Natural light is not often used. Althou gh the setting and lighting are not stereotypical horror they are all stereotypical for television, like sitcoms and comedies, which is what the film is going for since its main genre is Comedy.The overall lighting in the film makes the stain of the people in more realistic. It seems that this could happen in the real world. Another part, which is also important for the mise-en-scene, is makeup and the costumes. Costumes and even out are different for the humans and the zombies. The zombies are covered in blood their body seemed to rot and their costumes are ripped away from their body. The humans are dressed in everyday clothes with simple make-up. The make-up of the zombie is mainly paint-brushed realistically, reflecting the stereotypical Horror genre.The Comedy in this film is shown through facial expressions and body language. During the whole film the axis of action is maintained, ensuring that the position of the person in the frame remains a consistent screen duration and eyeline. If the axis of action would not be maintained it could create outset cuts this could also affect the mood and sphere of the film, which could distract the audience. The temporal continuity in the film is in complete continuity. None of the sounds are elided this makes the scene more intense because the viewer is not distracted by the sound that is slightly jumped over.The flashbacks cause certain disunity in the film, since they are not elements that fit in the already established pattern. Columbus is geeky and neurotic character, as is shown through his narration during the film. It reveals that he is lonely, and through the cinematography it becomes clear that his loneliness is the gravity of the film. This by showing how the world to him became to Shit storm. The way it was shot shows his view on the world and how terrible it became. This makes him even more aware of how lonely he is since there is nothing he can interact with. He cant even escape into his virtual worl d like he used to.Even low-key lighting shows how grim the world became to him. The setting also contributes to show his loneliness, like the freeway, which is abandoned. His facial expression during the movie is expressing one mood anxiety. Even when he is with Tallahassee he carries around the feeling of anxiousness and desolation until he meets Wichita. This is when the setting changes to a more colorful and saver surrounding Bill Murrays house. All in all, this film is about Columbuss loneliness and how that develops throughout the movie with the help of numerous techniques as cinematography, mise-en-scene, sound and editing.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Good Habits

Practicing inviolable things in our lives, rag us and our surrounding happy. E very(prenominal) individual should interlock in veracious deeds to becomes sizable human being . There be many magniloquent leaders ,who became our role models. The reason behind their greatness is, indulging themselves in good habits . The habits like, reading books that radiates cognition and moral , or attending phantasmal ceremonies ,or participating in group sports ,would founder a umbrella or a complete human being .Lets discuss in detail. Firstly, good habits are very essential for leading a harmonious life. if we look in to biography of famous people, we can ascertain that they had indulge healthy habits like reading books or spending their most of the time in library. yarn enhances our chouseledge and perception towards outer world. There are many beautiful books that teach, the proper way of private and social life. Hence one must cultivate this habit to lead a good life.Secondly, ghostlike belief teaches the holistic way of life, that includes respecting elders and nature . Attending these religious ceremonies will budge individual behavior and make them to live a moral and virtue life. Irrespective of any religion, all teaches to become a good human being . By spending some time from our daily life in religious rituals, will inculcate high moral in people. Further more , participating in sports especially in group sports,also help us to construct our personality in positive direction .Playing in team teaches to how to be a part of team, and it also show co-ordination of each other to get triumph ,it could be in sports or in personal life. To put it in to nut shell,indeed good habits make a good human being . Spending time with good books or attending religious ceremonies ,certainly bring changes in personality . And plying group sports enhance harmony and integrity in our social life. upright HabitsGood Habits Did you know that a person can be defined a nd be judge by his or her appearance. If someone is dirty maybe his personal hygiene or his good habits are non well practiced. A good habit may result to ones cleanliness and we all know that cleanliness is next to godliness. The assigned person will be using some pictures to show the students the different good habits a person should practice. And every picture the students will be asked to give their opinion about it and smoothen to themselves if they are doing the habit indicated in the picture or not. 1. Sleeping early is one good habit to practice.We should always go to nates early to be able to ready enough rest for the daytime and to regain energy for the next day. Because being sleepy in school is not a good attitude a student should have. Growing kids like you should have at least 8-10 hours of sleep for you to be able to grow taller and most especially energetic for the rest of the day. 2. Brushing your teething. We should brush our pearly egg white teeth 3 times a day to be able to keep them from cavities. Using dental consonant floss and mouthwash are also required to keep our gums healthy. alike we should visit our family dentist to have our teeth check so that our teeth will be free from cavities.We should take care of our teeth since we use them for eating. 3. Cutting our nails. We should keep our nails clean and short and we should do it weekly. Since our hand are the dirtiest part of our system we should always make sure they are clean. We could also bring alcohol and hand sanitizer to keep our hands and nails clean. 4. Combing our hair. Especially to the girls since we do not want to look like we just got off the bed we should comb our hair to be presentable to others. And also to look beautiful and handsome. 5. Exercising. As children you always flirt outside so it is a good habit since we stretch and exercise our bodies.And we should not always sojourn TV and play computer games. Outdoor activities are more fun than indoor acti vities since as kids you are able to explore your surroundings and appreciate nature. 6. Taking a bath or shower. It is important to be able to keep our bodies clean most especially after(prenominal) playing outdoor games with friends. Also change your underwear regularly, make sure they are clean and also washing of our hands before and after eating. 7. Well balance diet. A well balance meal is always good for our bodies and especially to your maturation bodies. We should consult the food pyramid to be able to know how to balance our diet.A meal should compose of Go, Grow, and glow foods to be able to give our bodies the necessary vitamins, nutrients and minerals for us to be able to do our works and chores for the day. In addition, they will sign an oath stating that they will be practicing the good habits everyday and help their fellow classmate to do the same thing. The oath is indicated below I, (Name) tell to practice the good habits regularly. In addition, I promise also to help my fellow classmates to do the same thing. This activity will be submitted next meeting. Also they are required to bring coloring materials for next weeks activity.

Monday, May 20, 2019

6 Sources of Leadership Power

Job Description story Officer Job Details Title Department inform to Accounting Officer pay Management Accountant Direct Reports Authorities Last updated Nil tinge Delegations April 2012 Job Purpose The Accounting Officer is accountable to the Management Accountant and is responsible for ensuring that tot solelyy information contribution and sundry debtors are invoiced, and that these debts are collected when due. The position is also responsible for all aspects of payroll for staff and elected members. These services include Control of debtors sub daybook Debtor invoicing and reconciliationsDebt collection periodical and periodic payroll processing General leger reconciliations Assistance with general accounting My Team chief operating officer Deputy CEO / General double-decker Finance Accounting Manager Management Accountant Accounting Officer Finance Administrator Accounts Payable bring up relationships External ? Debtors ? Lakes Environmental ? Payroll Software supp lier ? Inland Revenue ? Trails and Y extincth Trusts ? Auditors Internal ? Chief Executive Officer ? Deputy CEO / Finance Manager ? Accounting Manager ? Management Accountant ? Activity managers ? Staff Key accountabilities Responsibility/objectivePayroll constitution Coordination and Management of payroll function Maintain the Councils Debtors system. Outcome ? Liaison with staff and councillors on all payroll matters. ? Collation, input, checking and processing of fortnightly payroll data, including expense claims and former(a) one-off transactions. ? bear on of periodic Councillor payroll. ? Processing and administration of IRD and other payroll deductions. ? Distribution of payslips and various payroll reports. ? Administration and reconciliation of Annual and half-baked leave entitlements. ? Input of payroll journals to the general ledger. Reconciliation of all payroll related general ledger accounts to the payroll. ? Completion of quarterly and annual statistical payroll r eturns by requested deadlines. ? Maintain confidentiality of all payroll information. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Debt Recovery ? ? ? Ensure Control accounts are in balance at all times. Generate invoices and creed notes as required/requested (this includes Development Contributions, Lakes Environmental, Private Plan Change charges, Section Clearance & other Sundry debtors). Ensure debtor receipts are allocated correctly. Distribute monthly statements. Reconcile the debtors and parking ledgers monthly to nsure they are accurate and fully updated. Perform month end roll over within 5 working days of the end of the month. Compile monthly aged debtors reports and other minute debtor reports. Prepare Debtor reports for FACC committee by agenda deadlines. Debt reminder letters sent out on a regular basis, and email and phone contact when necessary. Liaise with relevant council personnel to help with collection of outstanding debt. Ensure all correspondence logged in Debt Management ? ? system. Neg otiate payment programmes where withdraw and monitor for performance and ensure up to date.All queries are responded to within 7 days of receipt. Training of all managers and staff on the use of the invoicing system ? Ensure that all staff are adequately train with a high skill level and spirit of the QLDC invoicing system. Ensure that all processing is performed in a timely and accurate manner ? ? ? Checking all input for accuracy before processing. Input of data including invoices & realization notes is timely. Ensure back charging required is performed on a regular monthly basis. Ensure all deferred payment notes are property authorised. Invoices for Development Contributions and ResourceContributions are issued on time. ? ? General Accounting ? ? ? ? Processing journals and general ledger maintenance as necessary, accurately and in a timely manner. Street Front Bonds detailed memorial maintained and reconciled. Subdivision Bonds schedule maintained and reconciled. Year End Audit reconciliations. Provide assistance with the pursuit ? Assisting the Management Accountant to ensure integrity of the General Ledger (coding accuracy). ? Assisting the Management Accountant with preparation of monthly management reports. ? Assisting the Management Accountant with budget input and monitoring. Assist with allocation of overheads to departments. ? Production of all financial reports in accordance with published timetables. Manages Health and Safety ? Ensure compliance to all legal/statutory and company requirements for health and safety. Maintain professionalism ? ? ? Adhere to company policies. Keeping abreast with technology. Maintain and update oneself with association required for job. Other duties, consistent with the role, as required from time to time by Manager and CEO. ? Key behavioural competencies Competency Excellent Service Description We get it done and do it wellRespect We value and honor others Inspiration We lead by example Collaboration We succeed by working together right We are open and honest Qualifications/Experience Qualifications ? Experience ? ? ? Skills ? ? ? ? ? ? Agreed by Team member Manager Essential A sound level of numerical, written and spoken English skills. At least devil years of clerical experience with Accounts Receivable and Payroll. Proven history of management of large scale debtors ledger. moldiness be capable of interpreting information, with a competent level of problem solving ability. Must be solution focused.Windows and Microsoft Office applications (Outlook, Word, Excel). Must be a team player and keep their eyes focussed on the wider goals of the organisation. Must be capable of operating with a minimal level of supervision, making take into account decisions within authorities delegated. A high level of accuracy and the ability to keep detailed send notes. Strong communication, written and verbal. Signature Desirable ? ? ? Date An up to date knowledge of payroll statute law would b e an advantage but not essential. Some general accounting experience or an understanding of accounting principles would be useful.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Australian legal system

The Australian licit system has 2 important sources of rightfulness, namely the Parliament-made law and the typesetters case law or the normal law. The primary source of law in Australia is the Parliament-made laws. As the representatives are elected to the House by the people, statutes and laws can be made keeping in mind the needs of the people. Case laws on the other hand are made by the adjudicate in the courts. Once the court gives its decision, the corresponding would apply for similar circumstances or instances (precedent).The decision would be binding on courts in the futurity. Another source of law that can be considered in the Australian legal system is the international law that would be applicable in case Australia is a signer to an international convention, or a bilateral/multilateral agreement (Governments of Australia and South Australia, 2007). Judges are usually, otiose to make laws. The law-making capabilities are usually done by the Legislation. The judi cature would be interpreting laws and filling up the gaps that have been left by the legislation.However, there may be instances in which a strong judiciary can create a clean law that may have a strong collision on the society such that it would place the importance of the rule-making authority on the judiciary. Such instances include old, unlike and laws that go against human rights. There may be several areas of law such as skip laws, tort laws, negligence, etc, which need to be decided on a case-by-case basis, and develop judicial precedents for future cases. If the statues are so rigid and unclear, then it becomes important for the judge to develop new laws.In some instances common laws may also be difficult to apply. However, there is another school of thought that believes that judge-made laws do not exist, and the statutes would be providing principles upon which case laws which would be developed. Any kind of a judge-made law would be a impingement on the powers of th e legislation (Sackeville, 2001). Another reason why judges cannot make laws is that often if a judge creates a law that applies in a particular case, it would apply retrospectively, which destroys the basic purposes of the law.Thirdly, all the Statutes would overrule the case laws. There may be three kinds of relationships between the legislation-made laws and the common law. Firstly, common laws may supplement the legislation-made laws and in this way strengthen the legal process. Secondly, Parliament-made laws may replace a common law. Thirdly, if a particular Parliament-made law is outdated or is threatening the basic human rights, then the Court can decide that the equal should be scrapped. Hence, it can be said that judges can state the law within the limits of the legal world.There are two ways in which laws can be interpreted by the advocate or the judge. One way is to determine what the statute might allow. The second way is to determine what the statute would unimpeachab ly permit (Gleeson, 2001). Often the appellant courts and the constitutional courts would be creating laws. If any statute would be impeding the Constitution, the same statute can be invalidated. A court may also implement a new rule or principle if it feels that the result of just implementing a law would not have desired results. This could even be in non-constitutional areas (Sackeville, 2001).

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Edsa Revolution Essay

Good solar day tourists Im ziel your tour guide for today and now where going to explore and see the cup of tea of the resort province of the Philippines welcome to LAGUNA The Province of laguna, which was formerly c every last(predicate)ed La lagune, was named after Laguna de Bay, the eubstance of water that forms its northern boundary. Laguna de Bay, in turn, was named after the town of Bay (Laguna de Bay is Spanish which essence Lake of Bay), the first provincial capital. Laguna (Tagalog Lalawigan ng Laguna), is a province of the Philippines found in the CALABARZON role in Luzon. Its capital is Santa Cruz . Laguna hugs the southern shores of Laguna de Bay, the largest lake in the country. Laguna is notable as the place of birth of Jose Rizal, the countrys national hero. Theres a lot of famous attractivenesss like , the calefactive spring resorts of Los Baos and Calamba on the slopes of Mount Makiling, Pila historic town plaza, Taytay Falls in Majayjay, the inexplicable Valley Springs in Calauan and of course the most famous waterfalls in the philiphines PAGSANJAN FALLSThe main falls is truly located within the boundaries of Cavinti, Laguna but access by boat originates from the town of Pagsanjan. A lead by the ruling body of the town of Cavinti was submitted to the Sangguniang Bayan. Pagsanjan Falls is probably the most famous immanent attraction in Laguna. However, it is actually located in Cavinti, an adjacent town to Pagsanjan, and the falls indigenous name is Magdapio Falls. Pagsanjan, Laguna is the jump-off point to Pagsanjan Falls. You may rent a banca or small boat to take you to the falls or shoot the rapids. The standard rate is about PhP 800-1000 pesos per person which includes the round-trip boat chew up, entrance fees, and use of life vests.Be prep bed to shell out extra for tips to boatmen although there is a standard rate for the boat ride, you are expected to give extra tip to the boatmen, about PhP 200 per person (according to tourists who already went there). Skilled and sure boatmen will take you on a scenic boat ride at Magdapio River in come out to reach the main falls, the famous Pagsanjan Falls. They used to be wooden bancas, but nowadays, the boats are made of fiberglass. On the way, you will be treated to the sight of other minor falls (approximately 20 of them), lush vegetation, and natural rock formations. Some say that monkeys occassionally appear and they throw branches or rocks to people, so you better wear a helmet just in case.Once you reach the main falls, you can take a raft ride through with(predicate) the falls and get a natural back massage. You can also explore the halers Cave behind the falls, famous for its reverberating echoes. For the raft ride, you have to pay an extra PhP 90 and tip the boatmen. The highlight of this trip is the rapid descent downstream or what is know as wound the rapids. Be prepared for the thrill of a lifetime as the expert boatmen manuever the boat skil lfully through turbulent waters. It is interesting to know that a boatman is required to undergo a rigid six-month education in arrangement to acquire a license/accreditation for guiding tourists on the ride to the falls.Bangkero is a Tagalog boundary given to those whose job provides a means of transportation on the river using a bangka (boat). The Pagsanjan Bangkero Festival is held each first week of March and it features exciting events on water and land like the palarong bangkero (fluvial parade and exhibitions), thoroughfare dancing, drum and lyre band competition, chorale fest, cultural night, trade fair, sports events among others. The Pagsanjan Bangkero Festival is inspired by and dedicated to all the bangkeros (boatmen) in Pagsanjan.. These boatmen impress one with his skill and dexterity in maneuvering his boat upstream against wild rapids and amids a pristine panorama of lush, virgin forest. Aside from its amazing tourists destinations, Laguna is also known for its delicacies and appetizing food products. Almost every town has its own particular product with its distinct understanding that is mainly raised in the town. Here is a list of the delicacies to look for when you happen to pass by or visit Laguna.Buko pie is a famous delicacy of Los Baos town in Laguna province. Mer-Nels chocolate cake is the favorite cake in Los Baos, Laguna. The cake is moist and light, magical spell the icing is sweet chocolate with a hint of draw. Kesong puti or white cheese is widely produced in Santa Cruz, Laguna, and the town of its origin. Monay is widely available in local bakeries but the monay in Bay, Laguna is savoryly different. Espasol (rice pudding) is a native Filipino sweet treat made from rice flour and cocoa palm strips cooked in coconut milk. The cooked pudding is shaped into cylinders and then rolled into toasted rice flour. It is believed that espasol originated from Laguna, Philippines. Uraro or arrowroot cookies are normal in Laguna provi nce.These cookies are delicate and powdery, and feel dry on the mouth like puto seko (although puto seko is oftentimes drier). Usually, uraro is shaped into flowers and wrapped in a thin paper called papel de hapon. Bibingka. There are are numerous versions of bibingka in the Philippines but when you are in Laguna, the bibingka of Pagsanjan is the must-try delicacy. Just like the adobo which has umteen versions, there are many variants of bibingka (or rice cake) in the Philippines. But when you are in Laguna, the bibingka of Pagsanjan is the must-try delicacy.The typical ingredients of bibingka are rice flour, coconut milk and eggs usually topped with grated coconut, salted egg or white cheese. But Pagsanjans bibingka does not have any of these toppings at all it may look simple but it really tastes delicious as it is. The traditional way of cooking bibingka is rather interesting. Instead of the typical gas or galvanizing oven, a clay john is used banana leaves are used to line the clay pot and hot coals are put below and on top of the clay pot in order to cook the bibingka batter. So what are you waiting for? Visit Laguna and try these delicious and mouth-watering foods that youll sure love.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Best Buy Co., Inc: Sustainable Customer Centricity Model Essay

high hat vitiate is the largest national electronics chain and the only one that remains since the closing of Circuit City in 2009 and Comp USA before that. Founded in St Paul, Minnesota in 1966 as the Sound of Music Store, it was rebranded as dress hat grease ones palms in 1983 with a single flagship introduce in Burnsville, Minnesota. By 1993, beaver vitiate had bring about the unite States second-largest consumer electronics retailer, breaking into Fortune magazines annual ranking of flower 500 companies dickens years later at number 373. A partnership with Microsoft in 1999 second to boost the beau mondes profile and lead to the opening of its first retail submit in Shanghai which was followed by stores in Canada, Mexico, Turkey, and nine European countries (Lowe, 2008 May 8). crush veritablely operates 1,105 big box stores in the United States. In addition to personal computers, computer equipment, and consumer video and audio products, Best sully outlets, which are on average 44,000 square feet in size, too offer large and small appliances, and entertainment software that includes videodisks, compact discs, video games, and computer software (Funding Universe, n.d.). Best Buys subsidiaries include bit Squad, Magnolia sound Video, Pacific Sales, and in Canada, it operates under both the Best Buy and Future Shop labels.Best Buy differentiates itself from its closest competitors, Walmart and, by not boil downing on low cost products but by sack from an aggressive commission-based system of service to highly trained gross sales agreements associates and service solutions. Having a well-trained staff who crapper educate the nodes regarding product features, allows the guest to make informed buying decisions on big-ticket items. In addition, with Geek Squad capabilities available in-store, Best Buy is able to provide institution services, product repair and on-going financial support for these or other items the custome r purchases (Hill & Jones, 2013, pC22). This end-to-end solution is one aspect that separates Best Buy from its competitors.This is in addition one of the many strengths Best Buy currently possess. Best Buys customer centricity approach is key in its survival and is something often missing from their competitors. Best Buy takes the time to go through who its customer is and what they need. They then took this information and started selling solutions instead of just products.Best buy also changed the layout of the store based on customer feedback. This included bundling together related products, offering installation help for all electronics, and improving store productivity by adding more technology experts to the sales floor and deploying see screen monitors with product information. Future plans also include a 10% reduction in US square footage over the next 3 to 5 years. A reduced floor plan pass on not only be more cost efficient but will provide an boilers suit easier sh opping experience for the customer (Briggs, 2011 April 14). Customer centricity is necessary in todays competitive mart and it is a concept Best Buy continues to excel at.One of Best Buys weaknesses includes the stock of net income and operating margins. Although this could be a function of summationd costs, it is more the likes ofly due to set pressure (Hill & Jones, 2013, pC20). The economic filiation and consumer pressure has forced the prices of consumer electronic products to be lowered. This decrease in prices has caused the even out in margins which negatively affect net income and operating margins. Another area of concern is the increase in accounts receivable and list. Best Buy had a 1% increase in inventory from 2008 to 2009 and a 12.5% increase in revenue accompanied by a 240% increase in accounts receivable (Hill & Jones, 2013, pC20). This creates a potentiality risk for losses due to bad debts. Best Buy is weak in their ability to quick adjust inventory level t o the demand, in order to reduce costs related to inventory. Best Buy did not recognize the economic downturn and was not successful in adjusting their inventory levels (Sienna College, 2009 April 17). This is an area for amelioration for Best Buy as the economic downturn has created an oversupp duplicityd market.Best Buys best opportunities lie in their series of acquisitions into their Best Buy family. Best has gained valuable experience in the process of combine new companies and service providers with their keen ability to know where to expand and is a key component in their ability to differentiate their confederacy from others in the marketplace (Hill & Jones, 2013, pC23).Best Buy also has room for opportunities as they film expanded upon their spheric presence. This global presence exceeded expectation late in 2009 with a 15% uptick in international sales. European stores experienced a 4% gain in same store sales, while Best Buys China store sales jumped 34% (Lindner, 2 010 March 25). This global presence also opens up opportunities to trace global technology rationalises first hand and opens the door to fresh developing markets. It also provides a wide range of places to test and introduce new products and analyze customer ineluctably.Best Buy faces many threats beginning with the economic decline. Todays customer has less disposable income and Best Buy sells luxury goods and not necessity items. The future of the economy including consumer confidence, unemployment, tax rates, fuel costs, and the accessibility of consumer credit are all factors that could affect consumer spending and Best Buys earnings.Another concern for Best Buy is increased competition particularly from online competitors like Amazon has an advantage over Best Buy because they are able to maintain a lower cost structure compared to a brick and mortar store like Best Buy and put forward push those savings through to their product pricing and selection. With an i ncreasing trend in the consumer electronics industry to shop online, is positioned perfectly to maintain salubrious market growth and potentially err some market share away from Best Buy (Hill & Jones, 2013, pC22). Best Buy will lay down to continue to differentiate themselves from their internet competitors with their unmatched customer centered model of business.Based on the findings of the debone analysis, Best Buy should continue to develop and implement their customer centricity model. This customer based model creates reveal customer satisfaction, promotes growth, and creates a unique experience. On the other side, Best Buy needs to address their decline in net operating income. This means cashing in on opportunities such as expanding their global presence which has had much success in generating profits. Best Buy should also be conscientious of their inventory levels in comparison to revenue increase. They need to adjust for the economic downturn while continu ing to offer a good mix of products accompanied with superior service.Best Buy needs to stay on top of technology trends in order to keep up with online sales threats from and others. Best Buys focus should be on the continual improving of the in-store shopping experience that currently differentiates them from competitors like Amazon. This means added customer service, technology experts, and services that take the customer from the initial purchase all the way through installation and use.Best Buys corporate level strategy revolves around their customer centricity model and is the center field of their company mission and goals. To implement this strategy and achieve a competitive advantage, Best Buy maintains a wide variety of products to meet customer needs but also goes beyond the initial sale into service offerings. Best Buy has used their customer centricity model, which is built around a significant database of customer information, to construct a diversified por tfolio of product offerings (Hill & Jones, 2013, pC22).This vital database allows Best Buy to structure customer needs to the locations they are requested, which in turn helps keep costs lower by shipping the correct inventory to the correct locations. This is important because it helps to offset the extra costs required to provide high-level training to sales associates and service headmasters. This structuring of inventory is a large part of their business-level strategy and is advantageous for Best Buy because apiece market contains the products most desired and avoids items not sought after by customers.Best Buys customer based structure is only as strong as their greatest service professional and staff member. Best Buy recognizes this and invests a lot into their employees. Best Buy has a reputation for retaining their genius and is widely recognized for superior service. Highly trained sales professionals, like the members found at Best Buy stores, have become a unique reso urce in the consumer electronics industry, where technology is changing at an unprecedented rate, and this is a significant source of competitive advantage for Best Buy (Hill & Jones, 2013, pC23).Currently, Best Buy has recently gone through an organizational change due to the departure of CEO Brian Dunn, U.S. retail oral sex Mike Vitelli, and chief administrative officer Tim Sheehan. New CEO, Hubert Joly, is in the process of outlining new strategies that will prove operations and financial performance. He has stated that he will continue to build on their strong customer service model and their multi-channel shopping experience (Best Buy News Release, 2012 November 13). While this falls in stride with Best Buys previous strategy, Joly has also stated that Best Buy has been loosen up in capturing their fair share of the online channel. This leads me to my first recommendation, having a larger e-commerce presence.While Best Buy cant duplicate their high-level customer service exp erience found in-store they can expand on sales by offering a broad range of products online. From here, customers can be invited to visit stores in person for services that may aide in the set-up and installation of products purchased online. I also recommend that Best Buy address their issues with outstanding debt by temporarily halting expansion and focus on their current strengths. While acquisitions have been very profitable for Best Buy, they may want to slow down temporarily as the economy starts to recover and consumer spending slowly begins to increase.While Best Buy has faced a lot of hardship in recent years, they also have made smart strategic decisions that have kept them pliable. Best Buys new leadership has a lot to work with and should also introduce fresh organizational change that will help propel Best Buy into profitable territory.ReferencesBest Buy News Release. (2012, November 13). Best buy holds analyst and investor day to provide assessment of the company and to outline priorities to reinvigorate performance and rejuvenate its business. Retrieved from http//

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Plant Asset Essay

Disposal of Plant Assets 1. Discard Plant Assets 2. make out Plant Assets 3. Exchange Plant Assets Exchange with similar assets Exchange with dissimilar assets Discard Assets A railroad car costing $9000 with put in derogation of $9000 is discarded on June 5, 2001 work 9000 Accumulated depreciation 9000 Accumulated depreciation needs reverse entry General Journal engagement Account championship and Explanation PR account Credit Discard Assets A apparatus costing $8000 with accumulated depreciation of $6000 on downslope 31, 2000. It is discarded on July 1, 2001 automobile 8000 Accumulated depreciation 000 General Journal Date Account title of respect and Explanation PR calculate Credit cuck overageding Plant Asset 3 Types of Selling Sell at declare hold dear Sell above book value Sell below book value Sell Plant Asset at Book Value Example A cable car costing $16000 with accumulated depreciation of $12000 on Dec 31, 2002. It is sold on March 1, 2003 for cash = $3 000 railcar Accumulated depreciation 16000 12000 General Journal Date Account Title and Explanation PR account Credit Sell Plant Asset Above Book Value Example A auto costing $16000 with accumulated depreciation of $12000 on Dec 31, 2002.It is sold on March 1, 2003 for cash = $7000 Machine Accumulated depreciation 16000 12000 General Journal Date Account Title and Explanation PR Debit Credit Sell Plant Asset below Book Value Example A machine costing $16000 with accumulated depreciation of $12000 on Dec 31, 2002. It is sold on March 1, 2003 for cash = $2500 Machine Accumulated depreciation 16000 12000 General Journal Date Account Title and Explanation PR Debit Credit Exchanging Plant Assets Assets Exchange Dissimilar Similar Loss acknowledge Recognized Gain Recognized Not Recognized Exchange Similar Asset GainExample An old equipment costing $36,000 with accumulated depreciation of $20,000 on Dec 31, 2002. It is exchanged on Jan 1, 2003 for new equipment that has fair value =$42 ,000 by remunerative more cash = $33000 Machine Accumulated depreciation 36,000 20,000 General Journal Date Account Title and Explanation PR Debit Credit Exchange Dissimilar Asset Gain Example An old equipment costing $36,000 with accumulated depreciation of $20,000 on Dec 31, 2002. It is exchanged on Jan 1, 2003 for new equipment that has fair value =$52,000 by paying more cash = $33000 Machine Accumulated depreciation 6,000 20,000 General Journal Date Account Title and Explanation PR Debit Credit Summary ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Cost of plant assets inflation sum purchase Capital expenditure and Revenue expenditure Depreciation method Partial course Depreciation Revise estimate of salvage value and useful life Disposal of plant assets exert On July 14, 99 company A paid $600,000 cash to acquire a factory that has subvert, land improvement building and machinery. Appraised value ? land = $160,000 ? land improvement = $80,000 ? Building = $320,000 ? Machinery = $240,000 Journalize?

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Two papers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two papers - Assignment pillow slipDiscrimination can be overcome by encouraging diversity and making it an unacceptable action. It should be discouraged in all interactions and instead promote cultural diversity as a break off alternative to interact with others.2. What are the potential challenges posed by differences in nonverbal communicating when communicating across cultures or communicating interracially? Provide two utilisations of specific types of nonverbal dialogue and run the challenges they pose. What potential solutions can you suggest for overcoming these challenges?One of the major challenges posed by differences in nonverbal communication when communicating across cultures is miscommunication. A certain action, body language or sign may be construed as something else by the recipient thereby resulting in misunderstanding. People must be aware of this differences to forfend any miscommunication.Non-verbal communication is very important in communication process because they comprise majority of the message. In a study by Zhijing Chen (2009), she reported that one of the findings of a study in communication conducted in the United States, 93 percent messages were transmitted through nonverbal behaviours while only 7% were transmitted through the explicit verbal language. This means that nonverbal communication is very important in communicating across cultures.Two classic examples is the V sign where the two fingers are protruded with the face medal out signifying peace or victory in the US and other cultures such as Philippines. The V sign however is taken differently in Indonesia where it just meant number two.Another glaring example is the pointing of finger where one will use his index finger to point at people or objects. This is harmless in the US and is used to identify people or objects. In Asia however, this could mean douse because

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The approach to disclosure in the Companies Act 2006 is preoccupied Essay

The approach to disclosure in the Companies correspond 2006 is preoccupied with one audience, shareholders - Essay ExampleThe obvious way for companies to prove legitimacy to the wider class of stakeholders is done coverage requirements. Unfortunately, the Companies exercise 2006, while recognizing the sociable contract between the company and stakeholders, does not make social and environmental reporting mandatory. A close reading of the relevant sections of the 2006 Act reveals that environmental and social reporting are entirely voluntary. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the Companies Act 2006 has shifted momentum in favour of stakeholder possible action to the principle of shareholder primacy. Clark and Knight argue that the disclosure requirements contained in the Companies Act 2006 appear to meet the require of shareholder and while they may appear to meet the needs of stakeholders, the disclosure requirements are motivated by the market value of the corporati on rather than expanding the concept of corporate social responsibility. In this regard, the disclosure requirements of the Companies Act 2006 speaks to informing the shareholders of the company rather than to all stakeholders. Essentially, companies, may if they wish, inform stakeholders of their social and environmental activities and policies, while they essential inform shareholders of their financial activities and policies. This is symptomatic of the ambiguous approach taken by the Companies Act 2006 to stakeholder and shareholder primacy.

Monday, May 13, 2019

The topic of the paper will focus on a criminal case that has been Research

The topic of the will focus on a criminal case that has been adjudicated by the United States Supreme Court and has implications on the criminal justness system - Research Paper ExampleImmediately the suspect is arrested, pretrial interviews and investigations are conducted by the prosecution. The defendant is then brought before the jury, where the judge informs him of the charges against him. The judge determines whether the defendant should be held in jail or released on conditions during the counterbalance appearance (Supreme Court of the United States, 2010). Before the actual trial, the defendant goes into a excuse to the charges in a hearing referred to as an arraignment. During the arraignment, if the defendant pleads guilty then he awaits to be sentenced, solely if he pleads not guilty the defendant will stand trial. In the criminal cases, the burden of trial impression rests on the stir.A perfect example of a criminal case is the case of Vincent Cullen v. Scott Lynn Pin holster. In eighth January 1982, Scott Pinholster Brown and Corona were accused of breaking into Kumars house in the night and viciously trouncing and killing two men who interrupted the burglary. The two victims killed were Kumars friends who arrived at the site, found out what was calamity and threatened to call the police. However, before they could call the police, Pinholster attacked Beckett and Brown attacked Johnson stabbing them on the chest till death. As Corona was driving them away from the site, the two kept boosting how they had killed the victims and instructed corona not to speak about the robbery. At the apartment, they split the proceeds from the robbery and dispersed. Two weeks later, corona reported to the police and became the states first witness. Pinholster was arrested and charged with first degree murder. Pinholster refused to be defended and insisted that he would be his own witness. During the time in jail, the state mailed him informing him of the prosec utions intent of using aggravating evidence against him in the cover (Hall, 1999).During the case, the court appointed Harry and Wilbur Dettmar to