Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Good Habits

Practicing inviolable things in our lives, rag us and our surrounding happy. E very(prenominal) individual should interlock in veracious deeds to becomes sizable human being . There be many magniloquent leaders ,who became our role models. The reason behind their greatness is, indulging themselves in good habits . The habits like, reading books that radiates cognition and moral , or attending phantasmal ceremonies ,or participating in group sports ,would founder a umbrella or a complete human being .Lets discuss in detail. Firstly, good habits are very essential for leading a harmonious life. if we look in to biography of famous people, we can ascertain that they had indulge healthy habits like reading books or spending their most of the time in library. yarn enhances our chouseledge and perception towards outer world. There are many beautiful books that teach, the proper way of private and social life. Hence one must cultivate this habit to lead a good life.Secondly, ghostlike belief teaches the holistic way of life, that includes respecting elders and nature . Attending these religious ceremonies will budge individual behavior and make them to live a moral and virtue life. Irrespective of any religion, all teaches to become a good human being . By spending some time from our daily life in religious rituals, will inculcate high moral in people. Further more , participating in sports especially in group sports,also help us to construct our personality in positive direction .Playing in team teaches to how to be a part of team, and it also show co-ordination of each other to get triumph ,it could be in sports or in personal life. To put it in to nut shell,indeed good habits make a good human being . Spending time with good books or attending religious ceremonies ,certainly bring changes in personality . And plying group sports enhance harmony and integrity in our social life. upright HabitsGood Habits Did you know that a person can be defined a nd be judge by his or her appearance. If someone is dirty maybe his personal hygiene or his good habits are non well practiced. A good habit may result to ones cleanliness and we all know that cleanliness is next to godliness. The assigned person will be using some pictures to show the students the different good habits a person should practice. And every picture the students will be asked to give their opinion about it and smoothen to themselves if they are doing the habit indicated in the picture or not. 1. Sleeping early is one good habit to practice.We should always go to nates early to be able to ready enough rest for the daytime and to regain energy for the next day. Because being sleepy in school is not a good attitude a student should have. Growing kids like you should have at least 8-10 hours of sleep for you to be able to grow taller and most especially energetic for the rest of the day. 2. Brushing your teething. We should brush our pearly egg white teeth 3 times a day to be able to keep them from cavities. Using dental consonant floss and mouthwash are also required to keep our gums healthy. alike we should visit our family dentist to have our teeth check so that our teeth will be free from cavities.We should take care of our teeth since we use them for eating. 3. Cutting our nails. We should keep our nails clean and short and we should do it weekly. Since our hand are the dirtiest part of our system we should always make sure they are clean. We could also bring alcohol and hand sanitizer to keep our hands and nails clean. 4. Combing our hair. Especially to the girls since we do not want to look like we just got off the bed we should comb our hair to be presentable to others. And also to look beautiful and handsome. 5. Exercising. As children you always flirt outside so it is a good habit since we stretch and exercise our bodies.And we should not always sojourn TV and play computer games. Outdoor activities are more fun than indoor acti vities since as kids you are able to explore your surroundings and appreciate nature. 6. Taking a bath or shower. It is important to be able to keep our bodies clean most especially after(prenominal) playing outdoor games with friends. Also change your underwear regularly, make sure they are clean and also washing of our hands before and after eating. 7. Well balance diet. A well balance meal is always good for our bodies and especially to your maturation bodies. We should consult the food pyramid to be able to know how to balance our diet.A meal should compose of Go, Grow, and glow foods to be able to give our bodies the necessary vitamins, nutrients and minerals for us to be able to do our works and chores for the day. In addition, they will sign an oath stating that they will be practicing the good habits everyday and help their fellow classmate to do the same thing. The oath is indicated below I, (Name) tell to practice the good habits regularly. In addition, I promise also to help my fellow classmates to do the same thing. This activity will be submitted next meeting. Also they are required to bring coloring materials for next weeks activity.

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