Monday, May 13, 2019

The topic of the paper will focus on a criminal case that has been Research

The topic of the will focus on a criminal case that has been adjudicated by the United States Supreme Court and has implications on the criminal justness system - Research Paper ExampleImmediately the suspect is arrested, pretrial interviews and investigations are conducted by the prosecution. The defendant is then brought before the jury, where the judge informs him of the charges against him. The judge determines whether the defendant should be held in jail or released on conditions during the counterbalance appearance (Supreme Court of the United States, 2010). Before the actual trial, the defendant goes into a excuse to the charges in a hearing referred to as an arraignment. During the arraignment, if the defendant pleads guilty then he awaits to be sentenced, solely if he pleads not guilty the defendant will stand trial. In the criminal cases, the burden of trial impression rests on the stir.A perfect example of a criminal case is the case of Vincent Cullen v. Scott Lynn Pin holster. In eighth January 1982, Scott Pinholster Brown and Corona were accused of breaking into Kumars house in the night and viciously trouncing and killing two men who interrupted the burglary. The two victims killed were Kumars friends who arrived at the site, found out what was calamity and threatened to call the police. However, before they could call the police, Pinholster attacked Beckett and Brown attacked Johnson stabbing them on the chest till death. As Corona was driving them away from the site, the two kept boosting how they had killed the victims and instructed corona not to speak about the robbery. At the apartment, they split the proceeds from the robbery and dispersed. Two weeks later, corona reported to the police and became the states first witness. Pinholster was arrested and charged with first degree murder. Pinholster refused to be defended and insisted that he would be his own witness. During the time in jail, the state mailed him informing him of the prosec utions intent of using aggravating evidence against him in the cover (Hall, 1999).During the case, the court appointed Harry and Wilbur Dettmar to

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